Ranger Nikki will lead you on an out-and-back walk to search for bark, striped-tail and giant hairy scorpions. We will also be on the lookout for other nocturnal critters such as bats, owls, tarantulas and more. Bring your blacklight and a regular flashlight. No pets, please. Wear closed-toe shoes and bring plenty of water. Restrooms and water are available at the Nature Center. Please bring $7 exact cash for the self-pay station or your annual pass to display on your vehicle.
MEETING LOCATION: Main Trailhead picnic table
Limit 20 participants. To register, please call the San Tan Nature Center at (602) 506-2930 ext. 7 with your name, phone number and number of people attending. If you find you cannot attend a program after you have registered, please call the Nature Center ASAP so we may contact those on the waiting list. Registration for this program will close on 5/2/24.