Monday, January 13, 2025
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
McDowell Mountain Regional Park
16300 McDowell Mountain Park Dr.
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
(602) 506-2930 ext 3
Need an activity to keep the kids busy this winter break? See Ranger Kevin to get started in the County Park system’s Junior Ranger program. Click program title for more details.
Come see Ranger Kevin to learn everything you need to know about the Junior Ranger program! He’ll get you set up with the activity book and even point you in the direction of lots of great places in our county parks to visit where kids can work on the activities. Note: While the activities can best be completed in our county parks, they can also be done at a local park, or even at home! Kids who complete the book (and promise to help us take care of the desert!) will earn an official Junior Ranger badge!
MEETING LOCATION: Nature Center lobby/classroom.