


Bug Theater (Registration Required, Limit 15)

Thursday, April 11, 2024
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Estrella Mountain Regional Park
14805 W. Vineyard Ave.
Goodyear, AZ 85338

(602) 506-2930 ext. 6

Come join Ranger Shaun for the kickoff of this season's bug theater! Click program title for more details.


The return of spring has brought the bugs back in full force! Come visit with Ranger Shaun as he brings out the curtain and lights to entice the night fliers to the stage once more! Restroom and water located nearby. Flashlights and water bottles highly recommended. Blacklights and long sleeves encouraged, especially for those sensitive to mosquitos.


We invite everyone to return as a park citizen scientist on April 26-29 for the City Nature Challenge, an international effort that encourages all citizens to find and document plants and wildlife on iNaturalist in cities across the globe. This bioblitz-style competition challenges local communities to make the most observations in nature during this 4-day period, and then this data is available for science, management, and conservation. So this April 26-29, connect with your open spaces, your community, and other global naturalist using only your phone or camera to record nature wherever you go! For more info, check out www.citynaturechallenge.org.

Limit 15 participants. To register, please call the Nature Center at (602) 506-2930 ext. 6 with your name, phone number and number of people attending. If you find you cannot attend a program after you have registered, please call the Nature Center ASAP so we may contact those on the waiting list. Registration for this program will close on 04/10/2024. 

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