White Tank Mountain Regional Park Construction Update (10/5/2022):
On October 10th, the temporary entry station will be moved west on the park road, approximately 100 yards from its current location. The station will now reside near the Black Canyon turnoff to accommodate continuing road construction and preparations for installation of the permanent entry station.
Road construction is expected to run through the end of the year. Facility construction will be completed in 2023. Updates will be provided as they are received.
Please be aware of workers in the area and keep speeds down. The Nature Center hours and services will not be impacted.
Effective September 19, 2022, the Black Canyon Roadway (east end) will be closed for construction staging and repairs. The closure will last through December. Park visitors may still access the Goat Camp and South Trails via the west entry of Black Canyon Roadway. To learn more about the project, please view the project fliers:
Area #4 remains closed for park improvements. During this time, park visitors are asked to park in the Black Rock Loop parking lot to access trailheads in the area. Port-a-Johns and a handwashing station are available in the area for your convenience.
Future park improvements include the park entry station relocation. While construction is underway, a temporary park entry station has been set up further north of the original entry station.
We appreciate your patience while crews work to make improvements, and we look forward to sharing the changes we’re making!