Maricopa County



Lake Pleasant Monday Clean-Up Crew

Monday, November 11, 2024
07:00 AM - 09:00 AM
Lake Pleasant Regional Park
41835 N. Castle Hot Springs Rd.
Morristown, AZ 85342

(602) 506-2930 ext. 2

Lake Pleasant is creating a Monday clean-up crew.  If you are available on any Monday, please join us as we pick up litter along the shoreline.

Date- Every Monday 

Time – 7:00am - 9:00am 

Location – Park at Castle Hot Springs dirt lot near the entry station. Meet with staff at main building at entry.

Volunteers needed - Up to 100

What should the volunteers bring? – Water, salty snacks and fruit (oranges are best for hot weather), hat, sunscreen, closed-toed shoes/boots made for uneven surfaces, sunglasses, and work gloves.

What equipment will be provided? Some additional gloves are available, limited supply, litter pickers, and bags.

Contact information of person-in-charge:

Koy D. Mangan

Lake Pleasant Regional Park Supervisor

Lake Pleasant Regional Park

41835 N. Castle Hot Springs Road

Morristown, AZ 85342


Event Description – Volunteers will meet staff outside of the main building at the entry station where they will sign them in.  After signing in, volunteers will be directed to where to park for litter pick-up efforts.  Volunteers should be prepared to pick up litter along the shoreline and throughout the park as directed by staff.  Volunteers should be heat tolerant and mindful of their walking and hiking ability.

To register, please click on the link


Phone: 602-506-2930

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