Saturday, March 15, 2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Hassayampa River Preserve
49614 U.S. Hwy. 60 89
Wickenburg, AZ 85390
(602) 506-2930 ext. 9
Before you head home for the season, be sure to join us on Saturday, March 15th for our annual Open House as we showcase our newly renovated visitor center and celebrate this historic riparian preserve. This is a free event that runs from 8am - 12pm. Highlights will include a guided bird walk with Ranger Eric starting at 8:15 and a special "Ask a Master Gardener" booth from 9am - 10am. As we are a nature preserve, we kindly ask that you leave all pets at home.
Before you head home for the season, be sure to join us on Saturday, March 15th for our annual Open House as we showcase our newly renovated visitor center and celebrate this historic riparian preserve. This is a free event that runs from 8am - 12pm. Highlights will include a guided bird walk with Ranger Eric starting at 8:15 and a special "Ask a Master Gardener" booth from 9am - 10am. As this is a nature preserve, we kindly ask that you leave all pets at home.