


Discovery Station: Leave No Trace

Thursday, March 27, 2025
11:30 AM - 01:00 PM
White Tank Mountain Regional Park
20304 W. White Tank Mountain Road
Waddell, AZ 85355

(602) 506-2930 ext. 5

Stop by the Nature center and learn about how to hike safely and how you can help protect the park and its inhabitants though LNT practices.

Ranger Derik will be at set up in the White Tank Nature Center with a table display about Leave No Trace and how you can ensure the Sonoran Desert stays pristine for generations to come. Topics include what to bring on a hike, respecting wildlife, being careful with fire, protecting cultural and historic artifacts, trail use, and much more. Feel free to ask the Ranger any questions you have on trail recommendations, wildlife, history, etc. MEETING LOCATION: Nature Center See park map here: white-tank-8x11-2024.pdf No registration required

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