Purpose statement. The purpose of the Public Information Office is to provide strategic direction, leadership, professional and technical expertise, in promoting and marketing department events, activities, parks, trails and the park system consistent with the department marketing plan.
Primary Duties
- Writes, designs, conceives, and promotes or oversees the promotion of the parks, their facilities, activities, and events. Oversees the creation, or produces directly, flyers, brochures, videos, or press releases concerning park activities and events, and finds funding/sponsorships for these materials
- Conceives, designs and maintains the department’s website; works with internal county staff to increase functionality of websites; responds to Internet inquiries
- Launches, oversees and trains staff on department’s social media campaigns, policies and acceptable usage on sites
- Serves as the public’s and media point of contact for accidents, projects, changes in policy, improvements, dedications, openings, etc. while working closely with the County’s Office of Communications
- Writes, nominates, or oversees the nomination and application for projects, activities, events, and awards
- Frequently acts as liaison with other departments, agencies, and municipalities for special projects, public information issues, on-going interactions, or informational exchanges
- Manages the implementation of the department marketing plan to promote parks and programs
- Reviews all grant submissions prior to department submittals. In addition, provides assistance with research, writing and coordination of grant applications and funding opportunities (Temporary Assignment)
- Works to create and maintain departmental brand and brand loyalty