Butterfly Monitoring

Butterfly Monitoring

Did you know your involvement can significantly impact our county's butterfly and insect populations? In collaboration with the Central Arizona Butterfly Association (CAZBA), Maricopa County Park and Recreation monitors butterflies at several of our parks every spring and fall. We rely on volunteers like you to collect vital butterfly population data. This data is shared with regional experts, enabling us to make informed management decisions collectively. Your work is crucial in our efforts to sustain and improve the county's butterfly and insect populations.

We host a butterfly monitoring workshop on Tuesday, the same week as the monitoring events, which occur twice a year. We always seek volunteers to help and become citizen scientists for these monitoring events. Your role as a volunteer is crucial in our efforts to understand and protect our native butterfly populations.

We provide great program resources. When you attend the butterfly monitoring workshop, you will embark on a fascinating journey of learning how to identify butterflies and how to monitor them. If you attend the Saturday monitoring events, you will receive hands-on butterfly identification and monitoring training and a professionally printed copy of our Butterfly Brochures. This is a unique opportunity to learn and contribute to our community's conservation efforts. 

Program Resources: 

Sulphur_and_Skipper_Butterflies Brushfoot_Metalmark_and_Swallowtail_Buterflies

Butterfly Workshops are held (virtually). The meeting link will be provided to all registered participants before the event. Please click the links on the flyer (below) to register for the next workshop.

Butterfly Monitoring Schedule. Butterfly workshops and monitoring events typically occur on Tuesday and Saturday of the third full week of March and September, respectively. Please register for the next event by clicking the signup.com links on the flyer below.


Event Flyers:


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